8 tips to regulate your sleep

Expert answer:

To regulate sleep it is necessary to change the routine or create habits that contribute to a better quality of sleep. Follow these 8 tips and see how to regulate your sleep cycle through measures that help to adjust the biological clock and sleep better

Always wake up at the same time

Even though you slept badly during the night, it is important to create the waking routine at the same time as this helps to regulate the sleep cycle.

Do not sleep too much

Do not stay in bed to sleep more if you already feel that you have slept enough. Try to sleep only as long as necessary to rest.

Avoid Naps

While your sleep is deregulated avoid sleeping during the day so as not to disturb the sleep of the night. Naps can be welcome, but only after you start sleeping better.


Physical activity lowers stress and helps one to have a deeper sleep. However, exercise should be done at least 4 hours before bed so that adrenaline does not disturb sleep.

Avoid alcoholic beverages before bed

Alcohol makes sleep lighter and can disrupt the sleep cycle, although it causes drowsiness. The ideal is to drink only one dose of alcoholic beverage per day, preferably with more than 3 hours to go to bed.

Drink less coffee

Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant. Even if a person does not drink coffee at night it can disrupt the sleep cycle because the caffeine that has been consumed throughout the day remains in the body for several hours. For better sleep, it is best not to drink more than 3 cups of coffee a day.

Sleep in a dark room

In order for sleep hormone melatonin to be produced, there must be no light. Therefore it is recommended to sleep in a totally dark environment, with all the lights off and the window closed.

Do not try to sleep

If you go to bed and after 20 minutes still can not sleep, it is best to get up, read anything (do not use a tablet or computer because the light of these devices disrupts the production of sleep hormone) and try to sleep again after some minutes. If you can not get to sleep, stay in bed for another 20 minutes, but do not try to sleep. The goal is to go back to bed without having to sleep.

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