7 Care You Should Have If You Want To Live Until Your 100 Years

Expert answer:

If you want to live to the age of 100 in health, you must take care avoid diseases what are the main causes of death in the world: cardiovascular diseases, stroke, diabetes and cancer.

To prevent these health problems, responsible for more than 60% of world deaths, it is fundamental to control risk factors such as smoking, physical inactivity, poor diet and alcohol abuse.

check out 7 care that you should have if you want live to 100 years:

  1. Take an annual checkup: Men and women should do at least one checkup per year to diagnose diseases early and control chronic diseases. At this stage of life prevention is essential for those who want to live longer;
  2. Exercise regularly: Physical activity improves cardiovascular fitness, slims, lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels, strengthens muscles, improves mood and fights depression. To have health effects, the exercise should be done at least4 times a week for 40 minutes;
  3. Have a healthy diet: Avoid fats and processed foods, reduce salt intake and do not abuse sweets and sugar. Include in your daily diet fruits, grains, vegetables and sources of protein (meat, fish, eggs, dairy) and drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day;
  4. Control your weight: Stay within the ideal weight, which should be calculated according to height (learn how in: How to calculate the ideal weight?). Being overweight increases the risk of stroke, heart attack and diabetes;
  5. Do not smoke: In addition to accelerating aging, smoking increases the risks of lung cancer, mouth and throat, heart attack, stroke, ulcers and various diseases;
  6. Control the consumption of alcoholic beverages: Excessive consumption of alcohol can cause illness in the liver, stomach, pancreas. Alcoholic drink affects almost every organ of the body and is related to more than 60 diseases;
  7. Take care of metal health: Cultivate good personal and family relationships, take time to do things you enjoy and enjoy, read, learn to appreciate what is beautiful, stay mentally active, and have goals. Such measures help combat depression and contribute to a healthier mind, favoring longevity (see also: The 4 Ways to Fight Depression).

Following these 7 steps helps prevent heart disease, stroke (stroke), diabetes and cancer, which are the leading causes of premature death. This may be the best "recipe" for anyone who wants to live well and healthy up to age 100 or older.