7 Ways to Lower High Pressure

Expert answer:

To lower high blood pressure and control high blood pressure, take care of food and have a healthy lifestyle, which includes reducing salt intake, practicing physical activity, losing weight, not smoking, among other care.

Look 7 Forms of lower blood pressure:

  1. Decrease salt intake: Excess salt is a major cause of high blood pressure. To reduce their consumption, one should try to substitute spices for food preparation, avoid canned and industrialized food, and not take the salt shaker to the table. Remembering that the consumption of salt should not exceed the dose of one teaspoon per day;
  2. Practice physical activity regularly: Physical exercise causes a relaxation of the arteries and contributes greatly to lowering the pressure, provided it is done regularly: at least 4 times a week for 1 hour or 30 minutes every day;
  3. Do not smoke: The cigarette decreases the elasticity of the arteries, making them more rigid, which can cause the pressure to rise;
  4. Lose weight: Excess abdominal fat can raise blood pressure because it forces the heart to pump blood harder. Therefore, if it is the case, it is necessary to lose weight so as not to overload the heart and control hypertension;
  5. Decrease consumption of alcoholic beverages: Excessive alcohol consumption can cause high blood pressure;
  6. Controlling Stress: Stress causes the body to release hormones that raise blood pressure. An excessive and constant stress can even cause hypertension, so it is very important to keep anxiety and stress under control;
  7. Consume soy: Soy isoflavone has vasodilator action, which means it relaxes the arteries and helps reduce blood pressure. (See here which foods help lower blood pressure.)

In addition to healthy lifestyle habits, treatment of hypertension also includes medicines which help control the pressure. With the table stabilized, it is possible to keep blood pressure under control following such care.

The cardiologist is the specialist responsible for treating high blood pressure.

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