How to identify someone with elusive personality disorder?

Expert answer:

People with dodgy personality disorder are very shy, socially inhibited, feel inadequate in social situations and are very sensitive to negative comments and assessments, and can be extremely hurt in these situations. They believe they are inferior, incapacitated, or lacking qualities.

Because they are very inhibited and very reviews and disapprovals, these individuals tend to avoid activities and situations in which they are in direct contact with other people, becoming "elusive", which explains the name of this personality disorder.

The disorder of the elusive personality is characterized by extreme shyness and inhibition. They are people who try to go unnoticed when they are with others, avoiding at all costs drawing attention due to fear of shame, disapproval and rejection.

The fear of shame and of feeling ridiculous lead these people to be quite reserved in their personal relationships. They avoid new friends because they think other people will disapprove or criticize them.

Therefore, anyone who has an elusive personality disorder rarely engages with other people without first making sure it is cherished and will not be criticized.

At interpersonal relationships the more intimate they become in this way more difficult to occur. However, as long as they are accepted and approved without being criticized, these people are able to establish that kind of relationship.

When they need to start some new activity or assume some sort of risk, they are quite reluctant, since they are overly fearful of shame or lack of approval from others.

These symptoms significantly impair the quality of life of the person, as they interfere in their personal, social and professional relationships. Treatment is done with psychiatric medications and psychotherapy.

Learn more at:

What is the treatment for elusive personality disorder?

What are the types of personality disorder and its characteristics?

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