How to identify and treat bulimia?

Expert answer:

The signs and symptoms of bulimia usually include compulsive and rapid ingestion of large amounts of food followed by feelings of guilt, self-induced vomiting, use of diuretics and laxatives without medical advice and adoption of very strict diets.

It is also common for the person with bulimia to have self-image distortion, looking fat when she's actually thin.

In general, these individuals also present low self-esteem, large variations in weight, anxiety, depression, perfectionism, frequent dissatisfaction and self-mutilation.

Treatment of Bulimia

The most effective way to treat bulimia is through psychotherapy associated with medicines antidepressants and mood stabilizers.

The goal is to treat not only bulimia itself, but the complications and other mental disorders that may be associated, such as anxiety and depression.

Without treatment, bulimia nervosa can cause various complications, such as arrhythmias, dehydration, dry skin, severe constipation, nausea, throat inflammation, loss of tooth enamel, inflammation of the gums, absence or changes in menstruation, among others.

The treatment of bulimia involves several professionals from different areas, such as psychiatrist, doctors of other specialties, psychologist and nutritionist.

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