How to Identify and Treat Ocular Herpes?

Expert answer:

The signs and symptoms of ocular herpes are similar to those of a conjunctivitis and include burning, itching, redness, pain in the eye, swelling of the eyelid, sensitivity to light (photophobia), tearing, foreign body sensation in the eye, blurred vision, presence of small blisters with liquid content and reddish border close to the eye. Without treatment, ocular herpes can cause blindness in the most serious cases.

Ocular herpes is an infection caused by the same viruses responsible for lip herpes (herpes simplex virus type I) and herpes zoster (varicella-zoster virus). The disease can affect any part of the eye and transmission can occur through direct contact with the lesion or herpes secretions.

The symptoms of ocular herpes usually appear in only one eye, eyelid in the form of small bubbles which dry and form crusts after approximately 15 days.

When you reach cornea, ocular herpes can cause recurrent inflammation, with the formation of wounds and scars. If not treated on time, the disease can lead to progressive loss of vision.

The cold sore virus is often acquired in childhood when the child is kissed by adults with the disease. Varicella-zoster is the chicken pox virus, which, in adulthood, can manifest as herpes.

After penetrating the body, the virus travels the path of a nerve, where it remains inactive most of the time. When the person has the low immunity, the virus begins to multiply. If the nerve has nerve connections with the eye, then the ocular herpes appears.

Just like cold sores, ocular herpes is recurrent and may recur. Tiredness, sun exposure, stress, influenza, infections and fever are some of the factors that contribute to the onset of the disease.

The treatment of ocular herpes is done with Aciclovir and Valaciclovir, Besides analgesics to relieve the pain. In some cases, treatment may include the application of compresses warm or cold, ointments and eye drops with antibiotics to prevent infections caused by bacteria.

In the presence of any of the symptoms of ocular herpes, seek medical attention immediately to receive appropriate treatment.