How to Identify Social Anxiety Disorder?

Expert answer:

Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is characterized by fear exaggerated and constant social situations or those in which the person needs to perform some task in public. They are individuals who are afraid of having humiliating or embarrassing behavior in the presence of others and being disapproved or rejected by them.

They are also overly inhibited and critical of themselves when they are in a social situation that causes anxiety, which generates tense and rigid behaviors, besides the difficulty of expressing themselves verbally, impairing the social life of the individual.

In some cases, social anxiety disorder can generate fear and discomfort only in situations where the person has to perform tasks in public, such as speaking or giving a presentation. In others, fear is associated only with social situations.

Dodge personality disorder

It is worth remembering that most individuals with social anxiety disorder elusive personality disorder. This personality disorder has as its main symptoms excessive fear of evaluations and feelings of inadequacy.

People with elusive personality disorder avoid social situations in which they have to be in direct contact with other people due to fear of criticism or disapproval.

By the similarity between the symptoms, the avoidant personality disorder can be considered a more severe form of the social anxiety disorder.

Social phobia mainly affects adolescents and young adults. Without treatment, this type of anxiety disorder will hardly regress or disappear spontaneously, bringing severe damage to the person's social relationships.

Learn more at:

Social Anxiety Disorder: What Causes and How to Treat It?

What are the types of personality disorder and its characteristics?

What Are The Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorders?