How to Identify Challenging Oppositional Disorder (TOD)?

Expert answer:

The most striking signs and symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) are rebellion, a stubbornness and the refusal to obey the adults.

The oppositional defiant disorder or oppositional challenging disorder, as it is also known, is a disorder often observed in children and adolescents. It is characterized by disturbances and conflicts with others, moral and social norms and authorities.

Children with oppositional defiant disorder are persistently disobedient and hostile, constantly challenging parents, teachers and other authority figures.

The difficulty in controlling emotions, explosions of fury, verbal assaults, hostilities, and revenge.

The first signs of oppositional defiant disorder usually manifest in the preschool age. The onset of the disorder for the first time in adolescence is less frequent.

Although these behaviors are considered normal at one time or another in childhood and adolescence, in challenging oppositional disorder these attitudes are constant and excessive when compared to other children.

Children and adolescents with TOD challenge moral and social rules and also tend to deliberately disturb those around them.

The behaviors of oppositional defiant disorder can manifest in only one or several environments, such as school, home, home of family and friends, among others.

The earlier the disorder is diagnosed and treated, the better the chances of recovery and prevent the condition from becoming more severe.

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