My baby is between two myomatous cysts. What are the risks?

Expert answer:

The risks to the pregnancy of the baby that is between two myomatous cysts or fibroids depend on the size of the fibroids, their location and the position in the uterus and in relation to the placenta.

The fibroids in pregnancy are often only discovered when an ultrasound examination is performed, as they may show no symptoms and pose no increased risk for pregnancy. On the other hand, there are situations in which fibroid can cause pregnancy disorders, requiring treatment with rest, medication and sometimes surgery.

Some risks of myoma in pregnancy are: miscarriage, pain, delayed growth of the fetus, premature labor, placental abruption, difficulty in positioning the fetus to be born (presentation dystocia), postpartum haemorrhage, risk of infection generalized postpartum.

The follow-up of pregnancy in the presence of fibroids is done by the obstetrician through ultrasonography, evaluating the development of the fetus and myoma, and guiding the appropriate treatment.