My newborn baby has yellow eyes, what is this?

Expert answer:

Generally, the yellowish eyes of the newborn it's called physiological jaundice. This jaundice is not a disease, it is only a adaptation of metabolism of the newborn and tends to resolve in the first or second week of life.

The yellowing of the conjunctiva of the eyes is a consequence of the increase of the bilirubin production, the diminution of its degradation and the increase of the circulation between the intestine and the liver. With adaptation, the organism of the newborn gradually eliminates the excess of this molecule and the conjunctiva returns to the habitual white coloration.

There are situations where the eyes of the newborn remain yellow after the second week of life, and in these cases there is a need for research and treatment.

This assessment is made by the pediatrician or family physician in routine childcare consultations. These consultations are important to monitor the organism's adaptation and the growth of the newborn. It is essential to attend the scheduled appointments, but if there is any disturbing change in the interval between them, those responsible for the child can schedule an extra evaluation visit or even take the baby to the emergency department.

Learn more at:

What are the causes of neonatal jaundice and what is the treatment like?

How can I tell if my baby has jaundice?

High bilirubin: what can it be?

What is the test for bilirubin in the blood?