Taking contraceptives for a long time is wrong?

Expert answer:

No, taking contraceptives for a long time is not harmful to your health. If the woman is well-suited to the pill, does not suffer side effects, and takes the contraceptive with follow-up from the gynecologist, she can use the medication continuously, for as long as she wants and without needing to change pills.

However, although contraception is safe, long-term use small increase in blood pressure, which returns to normal with the suspension of the medicine.

For this reason, it is recommended that hypertensive women use a contraceptive method non-hormonalbecause even a small increase in blood pressure can be harmful for those who have hypertension.

It is also known that risk of thrombosis in oral contraceptive users is four times greater when compared to women who do not take the pill.

Despite some risks, which are assessed by the gynecologist according to the clinical history of each patient, the contraceptive has several benefits for women's health, such as:

  • Prevention of ovarian and uterine cancer;
  • Prevention of anemia;
  • Decreased menstrual flow, cramps and PMS.

Taking contraception for a long time makes pregnancy difficult?

No, continued contraceptive use does not make pregnancy difficult. The contraceptive actually protects the woman's fertility, because it reduces the risk of cysts and endometriosis, in addition to decreasing the occurrence of infections, polyps and fibroids.

The idea that taking contraceptives for too long may infertility is associated with the call post-pill syndrome, which occurs when the woman stops taking and menstruation does not go down.

Since she does not menstruate, she thinks she stopped ovulating and became infertile because of the contraceptive. However, in the vast majority of cases, this problem resolves spontaneously within 6 months.

The post-pill syndrome is also not related to the time the woman took the pill, but to the behavior of her body in relation to the medication.

For further clarification on the benefits and possible risks of using oral contraceptives, consult a gynecologist.