Does macular degeneration have a cure? What is the treatment?

Expert answer:

Macular Degeneration There is no cure.. Treatment may preserve or improve visual acuity, but it is very important that it be started early in the disease. When macular degeneration is already very advanced, it becomes more difficult to treat and the results may not be satisfactory.

In the case of atrophic macular degeneration or dry, the treatment can be done with medicines antioxidants in tablets that slow the progression of the disease. The patient can also use special glasses that allow the recovery of the reading vision.

The treatment for wet macular degeneration or exudative consisting of injections of anti-angiogenic drugs applied to the eye. Anti-angiogenics prevent the growth of blood vessels responsible for extravasation of blood and fluid to the retina, significantly improving vision.

The injections are applied inside the eye, with local anesthesia and sedation. The procedure is safe, being performed by means of a minor surgery in a surgical center.

Injections of triamcinolone, a type of corticosteroid that inhibits the accumulation of fluid under the macula, the appearance of new vessels and significantly decreases inflammation over a period of 3 to 6 months.

Another treatment option for exudative macular degeneration is photodynamic therapy, which attacks only the membrane formed by the new blood vessels and preserves the tissue of the retina. The method can improve vision or at least preserve the tissue of the retina.

Photodynamic therapy is performed through the intravenous administration of a substance that is retained in the abnormal vessels that form the membrane. Then, the laser that activates the substance is applied to release oxygen molecules capable of closing the vessels.

Although it does not cause blindness Once peripheral vision is preserved, macular degeneration can cause irreversible damage to vision and lead to loss of vision and sharpness if not properly treated.

Consult an ophthalmologist to find out what is the best treatment for your case.