What is the treatment for the flu?

Expert answer:

O treatment specific for the flu is not necessary in most cases. Because it is a self-limiting disease, in most cases it is sufficient to support treatment, with analgesics, antipyretics, rest and hydration.

The Ministry of Health provides the antiviral Tamiflu® for treatment of influenza in some risk groups, cited below. Use is indicated if symptoms begin up to 48 hours before medical attention:

  • Pregnant women and postpartum women up to two weeks postpartum;
  • Adults over 59 years of age;
  • Children under 2 years;
  • Indigenous people living in villages;
  • Individuals under 19 years of age who use acetylsalicylic acid continuously;
  • Individuals presenting with: pneumopathy (including asthma); cardiovascular diseases (except high blood pressure); nephropathy; liver disease; hematological diseases (including sickle cell anemia); metabolic disorders (including diabetes mellitus); neurological and developmental disorders (such as cognitive dysfunction, spinal cord injury, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, stroke sequelae or neuromuscular diseases);
  • Individuals immunosuppressed by drugs, neoplasias or HIV / AIDS;
  • Obese (IMC greater than 39 kg / m2).

This medication is available in the Emergency Care Units (PAUs) and at health centers and will be released with a two-pronged medical prescription. Treatment is prescribed according to the patient's weight and lasts for five to seven days.

Antibiotics are not used to treat influenza and are prescribed only in cases of possible bacterial infections, which may arise as a complication of the disease.

THE prevention of influenza can be done through relatively simple measures like vaccination and basic hygiene care.

The objective of the vaccination is to prevent the person from contracting the infection or having a milder picture of the flu, with a lower risk of complications. The vaccine should be repeated every year because it changes as the virus changes.

Among those who must take the vaccine every year are people over 50, immunosuppressed (transplanted, HIV positive), chronically ill and health professionals.

At hygiene measures useful for preventing the flu are simple: cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze and keep your hands clean by washing them with soap and water.

If you experience fever, respiratory symptoms and myalgia, you should seek prompt care or Basic Health Unit for the diagnosis of influenza and prescription of Tamiflu®.

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