What is the treatment for genital herpes?

Expert answer:

Treatment for genital herpes includes local hygiene and use of ointments or antiviral tablets.

Genital herpes is an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus, which is transmitted through sexual contact. Its main symptoms are redness, pain in stinging and blisters at the site of contact.

Serious complications are rare and include herpetic encephalitis, which is the brain infection caused by the virus; and congenital herpes, which is the infection of the baby that occurs when there are herpes lesions in the mother during pregnancy.

Although the treatment is very effective and the lesions disappear without scarring, it is important to clarify that the virus is not eradicated, and is always alive inside the nerve cells. Thus, at any moment of stress or low immunity, it can be reactivated, leading to the appearance of new lesions.

To know the most appropriate treatment for each case, you should consult with a general practitioner, dermatologist or gynecologist.