What is the treatment for gonorrhea?

Expert answer:

O treatment for gonorrhea is made with medicines antibiotics, such as azithromycin, preferably in single doses serviced by the physician to ensure that the treatment is performed properly and the bacteria do not become resistant to antibiotics.

If the person has partner it is important that the treatment of gonorrhea be done by both / both at the same time to avoid new infection.

During the pregnancy, the treatment of gonorrhea should be started as soon as possible by the pregnant woman, since the disease increases the chance of spontaneous abortion, premature delivery and blindness in the baby.

The symptoms of gonorrhea usually manifest 2 to 8 days after sexual intercourse and are characterized mainly by burning and difficulty urinating, which may be accompanied by a yellowish discharge.

If not properly treated, gonorrhea can cause infertility, ectopic pregnancy, arthritis, etc.

In the presence of any signs or symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to seek a health facility for the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment.