Do I have a tightness or burn in the chest and high blood pressure?

Sometimes I have a chest tightening or burning, for six years I have been practicing bodybuilding (hypertrophy workouts) and gains in muscle mass and at six months I am only training from time to time due to mistrust of being in pressure problems, I have done medical follow-up and examinations. I still have not been able to find out what I have and if I have it, like when I go to sleep, I've had dyspnoea and suddenly I need to change my position, I'm an athlete and I'm desperate! The question is: do I have angina and high blood pressure or do I have heart problems or not? I went to seek medical help from the SUS to find out, but it did not help! I continue with the same doubts and feeling the same things and without training!
Expert answer:

To know whether or not you have high blood pressure, simply do a pressure check, go to a health clinic to measure the blood pressure daily, write it down in a notebook, and after a few days take it to the doctor to see. Angina is chest pain of cardiac origin that appears every time you exercise, to find out whether or not you have a heart problem by just doing a heart test.