I honestly do not know what happens to the condom ...

Good afternoon, Doctor, I honestly do not know what's happening for the condom to burst so much, it seems that in the course of the relationship the condom is drying, because the way to put it is correct and we use different brands. And they are condoms with lubrication. I do not know what to do because I'm scared to death of being pregnant. When can I take the pregnancy test? My breasts are swollen, I do not know if it's because of the amount of hormone or if I'm pregnant. Braces, Thank you.
Expert answer:

It is recommended to pregnancy test at least 1 week after conception, which may be equivalent to 1 or 2 weeks of menstrual delay.

Therefore, the woman should wait for the delay in menstruation to take the pregnancy screening test.

When the pregnancy test is done before that period and pregnancy is suspected, one more week should be allowed to repeat the test.

O hormone beta-hCG Can be detected at the blood or urine of the woman after the implantation of the egg (the union of the spermatozoid with the ovum) in the uterus. This implantation usually occurs 7 days after fertilization. Therefore, in the first weeks of gestation, there is still not enough of this hormone in the circulation of the woman able to test positive.

If after the test the test continues negative and there are symptoms of pregnancy, the general practitioner, gynecologist or family physician should be consulted for an evaluation.