I feel the throat closing and the feeling that I can not breathe. What can it be?

Sometimes during the day I feel as if my throat is closing and I have the feeling that I can not breathe, it looks like a cake. I do not know how to explain. Sometimes I'm going to measure the pressure and it's 14/9, it's considered high. This feeling that the throat is clogging, what does it mean?
Expert answer:

Feeling that the throat is closing and having the sensation of not being able to breathe can be a anxiety symptom. However, some tests need to be done to rule out heart problems and hormonal changes so that anxiety is diagnosed.

However, there are no specific tests to diagnose directly the anxiety disorders. Some of these disorders may last for short periods of time, while others may occur during a lifetime, necessitating prolonged treatment.

THE psychotherapy is a form of treatment that has been shown to be quite effective in the treatment of anxiety disorders.

Psychotherapy techniques aim to change the patient's mistaken beliefs about himself or herself, helping you to cope with situations that cause discomfort.

With the help of the psychologist the patient will be able to identify and manage the causes of your anxiety, because you will be better prepared to deal with the difficult situations that may arise.

Consult the general practitioner or family doctor to rule out other medical problems, and if the cause of shortness of breath and throat closing is even anxiety, this professional will take the necessary care in addition to referral for other specialists such as the doctor / psychiatrist or a psychologist.