Is there a difference between pap smear and preventive?

Is there a difference between pap smear and preventive? When should they be made?
Expert answer:

Do not. Papanicola and Preventive are different names to same exam.

From this examination, the health professional performs collection of secretion from the cervix and vagina. After laboratory analysis, it is possible to evaluate cell characteristics of this region, as well as the presence of some aggressive micro-organism.

The preventive examination is today the main exam for early detection of cervical cancer.

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How is the female preventive exam done?

The first two examinations should be annual and, if they are normal, must be repeated after 3 years. The test needs to be done every year only for women with HIV or immunocompromised.

The preventive examination can be done free in the Family Health Units (USF) and in the Basic Health Units (UBS) by the health professionals of Medicine and Nursing.