What is escape bleeding?

Expert answer:

Exhaust Bleeding and the minimal blood loss which may occur throughout the menstrual cycle. This bleeding is other than bleeding from menstruation because it has a less vivid blood color, is not prolonged, usually lasts a few days or even just 1 day, is noticed in the stained panties and sometimes the woman does not feel the need to use absorbent.

Generally, it is associated with use of hormonal contraceptive such as a pill, patch, vaginal ring, intradermal implant, and intrauterine device (IUD) or onset of pregnancy (first 3 months). Exhaust frequency is higher in the first few months of contraceptive use, but in making the correct use, the leak is not associated with reduced contraceptive efficacy.

At women smokers are more prone to this type of bleeding. Discontinuation of smoking is suggested as a measure of improvement.

The majority of women spontaneous resolution of the problem, requiring no medication intervention or contraceptive method change. If the escape bleeding is too distressing, the woman may seek advice from the gynecologist, general practitioner, or family doctor.